Image credits: 1. 'Are we there yet?', Pulse8, Cambletown Arts Centre, 2. Kay Armstrong 'Full Cup Steady Hand', DirtyFeet 3. Ton + Guy, 4. Murmuration, 'Bowerbirds' 5. J Motor Films 6. Murmuration 'Days Like These', 7. The Griswolds, 'Heart of a Lion", 8. 'Freeway', Pulse8, 10. Have You Ever? No Offence But, 11. Murmuration, 'Days Like These', 12. PD Forum, Sydney Opera House, 14 Rugby World Cup 'Opening Ceremonies' , 15. The Pin Up Parlor, Route 66, 16. Sydney Festival First Night, YouMove Company. Sarah-Vyne Vassallo involved in all projects of images referenced.